Sunday, June 30, 2013

The evil that is the series

I have been reading a lot lately, A LOT, per doctors orders. No seriously, my doctor actually recommended that I practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, and reading, and yoga. Prior to this I hadn't been reading much because I am extremely frugal and couldn't justify spending money on a book instead of food, or gas, or bills. This left me to swim through the masses of free Kindle eBooks, hence the reason I hadn't been reading much. Although I must say that I did find some gems in those depths, but it took a lot of digging. Anyways, I jumped at the opportunity to start reading the "good stuff" again, guilt-free, because my doctor said so. I spent the next day devising a list of books that I wanted to read, because that's what I do, I plan things. In my hours of research I stumbled upon Divergent by Veronica Roth and ultimately decided that this was the book I wanted to read first. I am a HUGE sucker for YA dystopian, so I bought it, and I read it... in two days. Then I proceeded to buy the sequel, Insurgent, and read it in another two days. Now this is where my blog title comes in, I just HAD to read the third and final book to know what happens, and I'm sure you can imagine my horror (unless you are one of those sane people) when I found out that the third book won't be out for another FOUR MONTHS! What? This is what happens, I get addicted to an awesome series (like Divergent, seriously, you need to check it out if you haven't yet) and if I have to wait for the next book I go NUTS. Thankfully it only lasts about 24 hours before I start to calm down and forget about it, but still, it SUCKS.

The moral of this story - If your doctor recommends that you read a book to relax, do not, I repeat DO NOT start a series unless ALL of the books have been released already.

Oh, and read Divergent by Veronica Roth, because it's totally, yeah that's right, TOTALLY awesome. It's been a long time since I've read a book that had a really strong female lead. For one, she is not beautiful, and yet she can still command the attention of those around her because she is just that awesome (and not because she's hot). Two, she doesn't mold her beliefs to fit those of her love interest: in other words, she isn't going to change her mind because her boyfriend told her to. So thank you, Veronica Roth, for giving us a solid three dimensional character to look up to.


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