Thursday, May 9, 2013

Our month without television...

So the problem with my family is that we've all become so dependent on technology for our entertainment. At the risk of sounding really old (because I'm really not), when I was a kid I didn't have things like cable, or internet, or cell phones, or tablets. We did have a Sega Genesis though... so we were pretty cool! My point is, is that I had to find other ways to entertain myself, and guess what? I was NEVER bored! I was always running around outside, riding my bike, or hiking, or building a tree fort with my friends. On rainy days I would read a book, or write a story, or even go out and play in the rain. It doesn't kill you, you know! 

I hate that modern technology has crippled our abilities to enjoy the world we live in. I actually wrote a research paper on it for my English class, but it's really long so I won't bore you with all of the details. But what I learned from my research really freaked me out. My son is almost 2 1/2 and he barely talks yet. Honestly, I haven't been too worried about it because he understands what we say to him and he finds alternative ways to communicate with us. But I know that the amount of time we all spend watching T.V. has to be having a huge effect on him, and could even be slowing down his development. 

So, because we are all so addicted to the T.V. we have completely taken it down. Our living room now consists of a couch, a recliner, and an empty entertainment center! We are planning on living like this for at least a month, maybe longer if it goes well. And so far it has been incredibly refreshing, and I have been able to get a ton of work done around the house, and my son is now able to throw his tantrums because it's time to go inside, not because it's time to turn off the T.V.! Seriously, I would much rather drag him kicking and screaming away from a fun day spent fishing and kayaking on the lake.

I am excited about this, and I really hope that we decide not to put the television back up. This will also be a good opportunity to work on the idea I have for my first book. I've started writing an outline, but it's hard to find time to write. My son naps for about two hours during the day, which is my time alone to do my own thing, which usually consists of housework and showering. By the time I get all of my chores done and I am finally able to sit down and write, he wakes up! Then I think to myself, oh well, I'll just write tonight after he goes to bed... but by that time I am so tired that my brain just stops functioning (I am not a night person). 

People say that if you want it bad enough, you'll make it happen. And I do, I want it really bad. I feel like if I don't write it down now, than someone else is going to beat me to it and steal it right out from under me. 

My goal during this month of no T.V. is to find time to write, even if that means drinking a pot of coffee and staying up until 2 am. It will happen, because that is what I want. 


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